Being diagnosed with a mental illness can of course be life-changing, but that doesn’t mean your independence has to be lost. Mental health issues can affect people in many different ways, even the same illness can massively vary from person to person. At Baxter Life Care we aim to provide a high-level of care to you whilst meeting your needs and requirements as much as possible. You will be involved in designing your bespoke care package, ensuring you feel comfortable and aren’t being defined by your condition. Having learnt what activities you enjoy and interests you have, we will put in a care team who we feel would be best suited to you as person, whilst also making sure they have the relevant training and knowledge to deal with issues surrounding your illness.
We can support you in setting realistic and achievable personal goals which can help you to improve self-esteem, confidence and independence, and ultimately reach a better quality of life. We will also review your care plan regularly, changing it to suit any different needs or preferences you may have.
Main Admin Office
26 Derby Road Blackpool FY1 2JF
Registered Office
26 Derby Road Blackpool FY1 2JF
Company Registration Number
01253 486686
​We have a BRAND NEW email specifically for complaints - complaints@baxterlifecareltd.co.uk
Office hours
Mon- Fri 9:00-17:00
Emergency On Call
Available all week for out of office hour emergencies.
01253 486686